I feel like I can remember the first time I was completely blown away. I got too close to the big 32” CRT we used to keep in the living room. I got too close to the screen and The Simpsons and what replaced it was a completely even grid of Red, Green, and Blue pixels.
I studied photography so long that I
I have always been obsessed with the idea of a pixel.
These prints really come from a bunch of places. The main two are the “Lace card” from early computing history and the Gameboy camera. The Gameboy was a big part of my childhood, and the aesthetics of it were burned into my soul thanks to the Gameboy Camera. The Gameboy camera turned the 118x128 pixels on the screen into a low quality digital camera. When I learned digital photography, the digital photography space was obsessed with getting the most Megapixels. So the Gameboy Camera became first tool I ever had to look at the world differently.
I have also become intensely interested in the history of early computing. When I was “researching” (Read: Watching Youtube) one night I came across what is called a “Lace card.” Back when computers were